Thursday, July 7, 2011

“Bad People” or, “Bad Decisions?”

What defines “bad people” from, “bad decisions?”
Typically “we” as society look at “Bad People” as; Murders, Rapists, Kidnappers, Abuser’s, & so forth.  

But, what defines a “bad person” from, a “bad decision?” I’ve held this topic of conversation with many people recently, and surprisingly no one can come to a “realistic” agreement. Does the way we “think,” and our opinions make us either a “bad person” or a “good person that makes bad decisions.”

What about “Gossip” is that a “bad decision” or a “bad person?” the “Hebrew” word translated “gossip” in the Old Testament is defined as – “one who reveals secrets, one who goes about as a talebearer or a scandal-monger.” Therefore, people who “gossip” are people who have “privileged” information about a specific person, and proceeds to share it with people who have no business in knowing it, to begin with. So again is “gossip” out of a “bad person” or, a “bad decision?” Furthermore, I can say “so and so, is annoying, and I am better than him,” and some may look at that as a “bad decision” however, if “so and so” comes to me, and confronts me about what I said, and I lie about it others, may say “no, she’s a bad person because, she said those hurtful things, and because she lied about it.”

So that brings me to the conclusion; it is not “our” right to say someone is a “bad person” or they just made a “bad decision” because, ultimately I think what you do comes from some place. Take "Kacey Anthony" for example, in my opinion what she "did," was accused of, makes her in fact a "bad person" in my eyes. So if you do something out of anger, hurt or, selfishness ect. are you a "bad person," or just a "good person" whom made a "bad decision?"

So, let me know what you think here, at "Understanding is in One's self."
Talk to you Little Birdies later.

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